Google Fonts
1. Header over to Google Fonts ( ) and search for your favorite font. In my case that would be Roboto. Go ahead and click the plus sign.
3. Now that you have selected all your font variations you are going to want to embed them. You do this by clicking the embed tab and copying the @import as well as the css rules. These are what you will be applying to your theme template/or stylesheet. So once copied make sure they are saved to your clip board or text document.
Enqueue into WordPress or Import into Stylesheet
6. Where I work we develop a lot of landing pages that include their own individual styles so we add the Google Fonts by importing them directly into the stylesheet itself.
So head over to your stylesheet and paste the @import you copied earlier to the top of your stylesheet. ( Its also a good idea to paste the css rules commented out. This way when you use the font in your stylesheet you know the format you should be using. )
If you plan on using only one set of fonts throughout your entire theme it’s a far better idea to register them as a style in your functions.php file.
For more information on incorporating fonts checkout the WordPress Codex and the Elegant Themes article I listed below.