Coding Campus: Day 2

Coding Campus:  Day 2



  Day two has been a discouraging day. We learned how to set up our first Django app. I honestly thought it would be a breeze because I had read through and completed the Django tutorial as well as part of the Django Girls Tutorial. I was able to get through them with very little help. In fact, I was proud of myself for being able to do it. I guess I was a little overconfident.   It’s like being able to see top of the summit when you start out on a hike. From your perspective it doesn’t seem that far a way. “You can do it”, you think.“How hard can it be.” That is exactly what happened to me today. I read the “trail guide” and had a general idea of what do to, but had yet ventured into actual technical territory. I know I’m smart but am I smart enough to be a developer? I don’t know. Do I have the right personality? That’s a good question.These were the two big questions that kept running through my mind during class while I struggled to keep up. I wasn’t struggling to understand. I was struggling because I kept getting “terminal”( command line ) issues every time we would install something new. It was very frustrating. I was almost ready to leave class and take a walk( I know real dramatic right?). But then, I realized I’m the one who usually experiences all of these “technical bugs” Teachers and co-workers will see things they’ve never seen before because of me. At the time it really sucks, but then I become a master at fixing these bugs. Remembering this helped me to calm down and focus. .   Tomorrow is another day…until then….  

( Sep 29th, 2015 )


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Coding Campus : DAY 1

 Coding Campus :   DAY  1


     Today was my first day at the web development bootcamp, Coding Campus ( in Provo, UT ). After a long trip on the frontrunner ( also a first ), I made it to class just in time. We started off with a quick orientation where I was pleasantly surprised to find out that in addition to the prep work, I’ve had exposure to most of what we will be learning over the next 12 weeks.

Promptly after that, we jumped right into the material. As you may or may not know the first day of class ( coding bootcamps ) is traditionally spent “installing software” otherwise known as an “Install Fest”. If you are like me you may have thought, “what can be so hard about installing software?” Well, that is what I thought too. I can tell you, it’s a little more complicated than you think. You aren’t just installing software you are learning how to set up your file system. We spent the majority of our time reviewing the Unix file system and how to work our way around the terminal. After that we spent the rest of class learning how to set up a server using Apache, MySQL and PHP (this ended up being more challenging than I had anticipated). Our instructor explained that setting up a server is something that developers do for every new project. That means as a developer you are required to go through this horrible process about… four times a year ( if you are lucky ). I’m sure though as time goes on the process will become less cumbersome, that is my hope anyway.


Hopefully I sleep better than I did last night. I will need all the rest I can get for my little techie brain. Until tomorrow….

( Sep 28th, 2015 )


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